
Allison Bobb
My Journey
Mindfulness, Grace, Mother
Those closest to me call me Ali, Alibobba, Al, El Tigre, and my new favorite nickname Volcano Woman. I am the only, the baby, and the oldest child. I am a career woman and recovering perfectionist in transition. I love horses, music, plants, travel, writing, deep conversations, and making connections.
A fertility journey slowed me to halt and planted me in fertile soil. The journey toward motherhood has been a quest for Grace. The gift of this practice is it has allowed me to witness the divinity in humanity, and the magic of all God's creations.
I never quite understood blogging vs. bragging until I felt the pull and started being honest with myself. Was I jealous? Was I projecting? Absolutely. I paid attention and got curious, I went offline and entered some women's circles. What I do know to be true is that writing is a catharsis, a way to untie the knots in my head, but it also connection. Words transcend. Words are powerful and healing.
I decided it was time to put some of the untied knots into one place. Writing and podcasting has been my favorite way to anchor these life lessons and weave them into my life. It is my intention that anything that lands, may also be invited in by my listeners and readers.
Thank you for being here.
With Love and Gratitude,
Photo courtesy of Emily Bagnall